Monday, 8 November 2010

Update on BOST!

Just a quick update! As you may have read, I have joined the Birkenhead Operatics Society. They are widely regarded as being the best operatics group in the area and regularly put on big productions in the empire theatre and the floral pavillion in new brighton!

Not long after I was accepted into the group, one of the directors for the show they were in the middle of rehearsing - Jesus Christ Superstar - asked me and the other new lad if we could join the cast and be a part of the show as roman soldiers and in other smaller scenes. We were only too happy to oblige! And so it was that on 13th-16th October, I was in Jesus Christ Superstar, performing in front of 600-800 people a show as part of a remarkably talented cast of individuals! I loved it! Absolutely loved it and cant wait for the next show, which I hope I can also be a part of!!!!